Get Involved

Community Team

What does a Community Team do?

With training and support from the School Connect COS staff, Community Teams work with school leaders to develop an annual Action Plan that meets the needs of the school and activates Team resources (people, dollars, energy, and skills). Examples vary according to each school’s needs, but can range from cosmetic upgrades to bathrooms and teacher lounges, to relational support for teachers and staff, to reading and coaching programs for parents and students.


  • Notes of encouragement for teachers
  • Classroom or staff lounge renovation
  • Landscaping or painting projects
  • Meals at teacher in-services
  • Adopting first year teachers
  • Holiday events for families
  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Drop off treats for staff

Getting Involved

How do I get involved?

If you’re ready to explore the process of joining a community team at a local school, click on the More Info button below to fill out an interest form. If you represent a school looking to help establish a community team, there’s a form for you, too! From there, the School Connect COS Team will contact you with next steps.

I want to support a school

I am a school that wants support